28 JUL 2002

Ha ha I'm still remembering the Margaret Cho movie. She talked about fisting lol. I think if I ever want to venture into that area, I'll take her 'advice' and go with a petite lesbian ha ha ha.

Hmm Hmm, caught the second half of Virgin Suicides. Why is it that girls are always the weaker sex in this time period we're currently living in. You know as well as I know that girls mature earlier than guys, but at some point we got too attached to silly things or became victims of accepted society's limitations. Things are changing but there's still a long way to go.

I've been painting again and I love it. I don't know what it is but I feel so calm and content when I paint, so full of energy and hope. It's fun, I highly recommend drawing/painting to anyone who wants to relax and clam down

So me and Teddy are thinking of getting a house next year.. scary huh, that means more responsibility, yikes,... I'll have to get rid of dead rodents myself, fix the toilet, deal with plumbers/contractors who want to rip you off... mortgage payments, tenants... etc. etc.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOYIN, and to everyone I never said HBDAY to this year (you JULIETTE especially). I feel bad... I'm so bad at remembering B-days... Sorry

I'm excited about seeing all of you in October. Haven't hung out w you girls in so long Let's def plan what to do tho beforehand, don't have much time together. I suggest we have a potluck/cook, watch movies and chill one night. Maybe have a crabfeast at Gunnings/Obrycki's. Takeout Thairish + picnic on the beach? (Are we still allowed to hang out there?) Have to fit in a karaoke session at some point, I want to listen to y'all warble. How about a sisterly workout session at the new gym? lol, I feel we have lots of fitness buffs + I wanna go in and see what it's like
25 JUL 2002

Oh God, we've caught 3 mice so far and today there's another under the oven. Small wonder why our oven doesn't work. They probably chewed up the gas lines or something, why didn't they all just die of asphyxiation... sheesh. I'm lucky to have male roommates, cos I honestly don't know if I can dispose of em myself...eeew, I can't even look at em stuck on the trap, I'm such a wimp when it comes to creepy crawlies. Show me a little toad and I'll completely freak out, pretty darn embarassing... I don't know why they started appearing this summer, we've never had mouse problems before... then again there's that article recently about rats coming into Beverly Hills homes due to the drought and their forage for food.

Aargh, I have so much stuff to do. Isn't it funny that you always either have no work, or a shitload of work. Man I need a full-time job soon so I can sit on my ass and get paid, not sure how much longer I'm gettin unemployment. A little advice for those might get laid off someday, when you're on unemployment, take it like a govt. grant and have fun doing whatever it is you always wanted to do
23 JUL 2002

Hey that was soo sweet of Jenny. Yes I do agree with her, kdphi definitey keeps us together, I'm glad . You know what's funny, a lot of Teddy's female friends from Houston are kdphis. He was actually kinda freaked out that I suddenly became one too...lol. He didn't tell me till afterwards tho

Jules does that thing on your tagboard disappear? I feel bad writing it, now everyone knows you like boobies

My cable is still not fixed, my connection's getting worse, now it's offline for 1-2 hours at a time, and on for like 20 mins max. Of course the technician came earlier today when we had a connection and decided that it was some lose cable connection causing the problem. But nigh 20 mins after he left the connection went off, and then back to its unpredictable on/off cycles...

Hmm I think I did but the bleach on too long last time. I was doing work and didn't realize how much time had passed till I washed my hair and my scalp started burning. I should've realized it had been on my head too long when my roots were lighter than the top pf my head (which had been dyed before). Either that or I'm stressing out, cos my hair seems too be falling out more, hmm.... Maybe it's time to enter a bald/buzz cut phase, I wonder how bad that will look... Well it has been pink for like 3.5 yrs now, time flies huh. As I'm writing this I'm spraying my head with plenty of leave in colored hair protector, wow to think I might've been bald that day... If you see the hair that comes off, the roots are pretty much white the pink vibrant elsewhere, i.e my hair is fucked... nah don't worry prob (hopefully) only those few strands cos black roots r showing so something's still alive lol.

Reminds me of that Kelly Ripa ad (I don't like her btw her face annoys me, just one of those unexplainable things) where she talks abt how she's scared of losing her hair everytime she bleaches it, well I'm sure everyone w processed hair have similar concerns.

Wow I do like to bitch, well that explains the higher ratio of girls to guys w ol journals. We def like to vent a lot more, hmm not sure if that's good or bad...
22 JUL 2002

Went to dinner last nite with Julie & Colin, another good friend who just moved to the west coast. Why do ppl keep moving there? Seems like there's a mass exodus goin on. Had awesome vietnamese BBQ pork, which unfortunately didn't agree to my (been mostly) vegetarian stomach too well. Last night's journey back was one of the most painful in awhile, thank god I made it back 'safely', so unfortunately the funnies end here for you guys . I give much thanks to my ass muscles...my tummy still hurts tho

I just started a blogring, why, well maybe cos what Teddy said turned out to be true, that most people here are bloody YOUNG, yikes where're the 20 something ppl? If you notice most blog users are: 1. Girls, 2. Pretty damn young (teenagers). Maybe it's cause they have the most time and the most to vent lol.
21 JUL 2002

J.Lo and Ben Affleck (article avail. today only)
I'm a little addicted to reading the gossip section in NYPost. I have nothing but respect for the columnists (esp. the ladies). Cindy Adams wrote a biography on Soekarno, Indonesia's 1st President & founding father, back in the 60's. I still need to read that someday.

So Teddy's in the NY Teaching Fellows now, he's teaching math to 7-8th graders. Isn't that cute . We and everyone else pretty much agree that this is the weirdest stage. Not a kid, but not a grown teenager either. Still so lost and confused, still obedient, but probably taller than you. No real sense of their identity yet. I wonder if that's why most mangas are written about this period. I guess this is when they start to experience the passage to adulthood.

Went to a BBQ last night met up with some old friends. It's funny how even when you live close it's hard to get together. We're all in Brooklyn just a few train stops away, and it pretty much took us 2 years before we finally saw each other.


I need to get out more often, it's hard when you work at home. This heat has driven me to go out to the park more tho. Yay for summertime I suppose. Hey that's why bears hibernate in winter. I like to hibernate tho zzzzzz...shnoorrr......


It's soo hot in my room, I'm like sweating on my seat. I now have to sit on a towel because I sweat so much just sitting in front of my cpu. Gross.


Second law of thermodynamics "broken"
Well only for microscopic systems, so no, your room will still just get messier if you don't clean it. Someone needs to make an anti-entropy ray gun so I can zap my mess into order
20 JUL 2002

Went to an excellent show last night at Prospect Park, Zap Mama & Talib Kweli, part of Celebrate Brooklyn. It went on despite the rain, which stopped during Kweli's set. Encore + afterparty. Spinned some old Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson. Billie Jean.... lol. Funny how kids now think we're old cos we know this stuff.

Unfortunately I managed to dye my beige leather sandals bluish with my jeans- go figure. Note to self: 1. when it rains wear shorts/capris; 2. beware of dark blue dyed jeans


I need TP for my bunghole...

To those who missed out on Cornholio

~ #1 Cornholio ~
19 JUL 2002

Here for a limited time is the lovely Ms. Portman grabbing her ass. Ah the trappings of celebrity stardom, you'll never know when a paparazzi is lurking. Now don't tell me I don't entertain

Hmm, for some reason I can FTP into my account but not login to it from my host's site. Dang this hosting co. is a bit sketchy, hope they haven't gone down or something. This site may disappear at any time... Yes unfortunately all I do is sit in front of my cpu, so my blogs r most probably abt how this and that don't work.


Gardenburger's meatless bbq riblets are good (finger lickin good), in fact a lot of the 'vegetarian' (most use egg) products are great. I've been enjoying my morningstar fakin bacon, corndogs, burger patties and buffalo wings. Honestly I'm liking em better than the real stuff, mainly because you know you won't get any of those nasty tendon/fat/cartilage bit with every bite you take. Try Gardenburger's portabella mushroom + rice patties (I'm havin one for lunch right now )or Boca's italian sausages mmm good...


Got another freelance gig

My internet connection keeps going in and out (another reason ol blogging wont work right now. I hate having to redo posts.) It goes on and off like every 15 mins

We have a mouse in the kitchen

We have glue traps all over the kitchen but it's apparently smarter than us, or think chemical pellets aren't its 'thing'. I personally don't want to catch any tho... eewww. So far I've heard Teddy and our other roommate Jasik yelp like a little girl he he he (I still haven't seen it...)


Kurt Masur is the recently retired music director for the NY Philharmonic. Here's what one of his players said about him according to the NYPost
"I think he feels his own performance in a concert depends on his being pro-active in a sense - if he doesn't grab five or six players and shake them hard by the back of the neck, he feels he hasn't done his job"
This ain't no basketball/baseball players, these're cellist, violinist etc. Who knew the world of classical music could be so brutal (article). That would explain why when I tried to jimmy the lock (successfully too) to Teddy's friend's senior recital at Peabody and got yelled at by apparently the director/chair of the school upon opening the door, the two asian peabody students with me ran away at the first glimpse of him lol. I didn't even know he was there cos I was wondering why the girls ran away, till I got a scolding of course about the importance of something something. Hey it's not like we tried to break in in the middle, we waited for the music to sorta die down, didn't want to miss it but did anyway because of some tyrannical bs whatever. Me and Teddy obviously didn't give a flying ****.

Dang finally this thing is done. I wanted it to be up by yesterday, but Teddy started making fun of the pic so I spent time trying to find another that didn't look as silly, in the end though I stuck with the same one (out of general laziness and resignation to the fact that anything squished into that rectangular frame will look silly anyway). He thinks it looks too much like those silly personals pics, well hell it is a profile pic. He def thinks I make faces when I take pics, but in this particular one I'm just trying to eat some desert, probably just looks weird cos he took it rather close.

Anyway to the chica who called me a snob, hey those blog things r supposed to help you publish content online, which is what I do for a living or try to, I better be able to do some myself right? I suppose I should use one of the services so I can update my blogs easily... but heh this way I can post pics and whatever else I want Furthermore I can be sure that only you guys will ever be readin this i.e license for retarded posts (yaaaa ding ding ding julieeetteee wipe my buttt! I'm doone...)

Right now if you want to leave a msg, yes you'll have to go to the xanga site (did you see my lovely post? I figured I better have something so they get rid of the 'please help me think of smtg to put up on the profile, signed me' text)

This thing is just straight HTML for now, I'll build more of the site as I go along, or not.... BTW this only works in IE5+ or Netscape6+ if you have an older browser, well you won't see any of this, time to upgrade dont'cha think? (maybe I should write this somewhere else...)